Have only seen 1st - Inside Out - but thought the same thing it applies to any age. I thought it was clever how they approached the subject. As usual your blog is right on. Great job Brenda!
Thank you for supporting, reading, sharing and commenting! There was nothing entertaining on TV so I watched the new one. (The original was better. IMO)
Great post/blog Brenda, I love those animated movies and feel like they are definitely for Adults as well. I saw Inside Out wasn't as perceptive about the lessons :) you shared but definitely enjoyed. Keep up the good writing
Have only seen 1st - Inside Out - but thought the same thing it applies to any age. I thought it was clever how they approached the subject. As usual your blog is right on. Great job Brenda!
Thank you for supporting, reading, sharing and commenting! There was nothing entertaining on TV so I watched the new one. (The original was better. IMO)
Great post/blog Brenda, I love those animated movies and feel like they are definitely for Adults as well. I saw Inside Out wasn't as perceptive about the lessons :) you shared but definitely enjoyed. Keep up the good writing
Thanks for your comment and for reading. I agree with you that the Pixar movies are very clever!